sleep Apnea

Sleep Apnea: What Is It And What Can You Do About It?

It’s impossible to live without sleep, but for those who suffer with sleep apnea, it’s nearly impossible to get. This article will provide you with useful information on managing the symptoms of sleep apnea, so that you can finally get a decent night of sleep and get back to more productive days.

In order to improve sleep apnea, eliminate some bad habits from your life. Drinking and smoking are the biggest offenders. Alcohol can put you into a very deep sleep and depress your respiration. Smoking inserts carcinogens into the lungs, which eventually damages them. Eliminating these habits is going to help alleviate sleep apnea symptoms.

Do you partake in a drink or smoke? Quit these vices. The reason is because these harmful substances impact your airways, and as a result, your sleep. Alcohol use will lead to over-relaxation of your airways, making sleep apnea symptoms worse, while smoking can have a similar effect by constricting them. If you’re not able to stop smoking and drinking, at least don’t do them before you fall asleep.

Speak with your doctor about treating your sleep apnea with a dental mouth piece. Your symptoms could very well be exacerbated by congenital conditions like a small jaw, an over- or under-bite, or a naturally constricted airway. A device made to assist you during sleep can provide you with enough air to flow through your body.

Believe it or not, wind instruments can help you deal with your sleep apnea. Playing this kind of instrument strengthens your muscles in the upper airways. These muscles are responsible for opening and closing your airway, as well as controlling the stiffness of the airway. Therefore, getting involved with an instrument like this can help you sleep better.

Cut back on your alcohol consumption. Alcohol causes your muscles to relax. If the throat muscles are too relaxed, they can collapse and block your airway. Your throat muscles become relaxed, making it harder for your airway to stay open. If you feel like you have to drink, try to not do it prior to going to bed.

Sleep in a prone position. If you sleep on your back, this can make your sleep apnea worse. Your airway can get blocked if you sleep on your back. However, breathing is much easier if you sleep on your side instead. You may want to prop yourself up with pillows so you stay on your side.

If you do not have a partner to let you know how you sleep at night, it can be difficult to assess if you have sleep apnea. Try setting up a video camcorder to record yourself while you are sleeping at night. Make sure you include the audio, so your doctor can hear what sounds you make.

Establish a sleep routine if you are a sleep apnea sufferer. Your sleep condition already disrupts your sleep cycle nightly. You can retain your health and daytime energy and focus by keeping a regular sleep schedule. The first change you should make is setting a specific time to go to sleep and wake up each day.

Get treatment for your allergies or sinus problems if you have sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is a difficult enough condition to deal with. You do not need anything else reducing your ability to get air while you sleep. By treating your allergies or sinus problems, you will be more likely to get a full night’s rest and have energy for the day.

Only sleep with a single pillow of standard size. The use of multiple cushions, or very large pillows, can throw off your sleeping posture and inhibit your breathing. Your body is in an unnatural position and breathing becomes difficult. So, you should stick to one pillow to help lessen any sleep apnea symptoms.

Losing weight will often make a big difference for patients suffering from sleep apnea. Sometimes, sleep apnea is due to the excess weight around the neck area. Pressure on the neck is reduced with weight loss, making breathing easier while sleeping.

People that have sleep apnea need the help of a doctor. Some treatments work better for different people. One good way to lessen sleep apnea episodes is by losing weight, but there are thin people who suffer from sleep apnea as well. Although surgery may be required to relieve your sleep apnea, many non-surgical options are available. Other people may be inclined to opt for surgery where changes may be made to the airway passages. Whatever you and your doctor thinks is the best for you, treatment is important in improving your sleep quality.

You should never smoke if you are dealing with sleep apnea. It can cause your upper airways to start swelling, which can make your sleep apnea worse. To quit smoking, try a smoking cessation program or use nicotine replacement therapy. For most people, the toughest part is the first 30 days or so. Once that happens, nicotine leaves your system and cravings begin dissipating.

Making the muscles in your throat much stronger is an excellent way to help the alleviate the sleep apnea. When you sleep, your airway relaxes and collapses and you cannot get enough air through. As your strengthen your muscles, you will have more control over them.

If you have sleep apnea and use a CPAP machine when you sleep, ask your doctor to also prescribe a heated humidifier. If your CPAP air is moist and humid, you will breathe and sleep easier. There are many different CPAP machines that are equipped with built-in humidifiers, so check with your doctor to see if one can be prescribed.

Try taking a soothing bath before you go to bed to reduce anxiety. A hot bath will reduce your tension and make you feel more relaxed. People who suffer from sleep apnea find it easier to get through the night when they take a hot bath or shower before they head to bed.

When you don’t get enough sleep, it controls your daily activities. If you suffer from untreated sleep apnea, that can also be potentially dangerous over the long term. Do not wait to seek solutions for your sleep apnea to give yourself much needed sleep. Life is already hard and not getting enough sleep can mean more problems.

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