Understanding Sleep Apnea And Learning To Cope

Understanding Sleep Apnea And Learning To Cope

Sleep apnea is a dangerous medical condition that effects people of all ages. Unfortunately, a lot of people have no idea how to handle this condition, so they just suffer. The information contained in this article will finally help you break through the mist and get the sleep you deserve.

In order to assist you with sleep apnea, you must talk to your doctor about what CPAP machines to use. You should take the size and potential to make noise into consideration. Some CPAP machines are small and are quiet. Your doctor should be able to point you in the right direction of a capable machine.

Playing music on a wind instrument can be beneficial to your sleep apnea problems. In Germany, research has been done that suggests playing the didgeridoo will train the muscles of the upper airway. These muscles control the dilation of your airway and the stiffening of the airway walls. So try and play the didgeridoo regularly to help you get through the night with sleep apnea.

Try out different things besides pills to help you sleep. Just like alcohol, taking sleeping pills will make your throat muscles relax. They may also cause complications for sleep apnea patients. Consult with your physician on sleep remedies that won’t hinder your breathing.

The two main pieces of information used to diagnose sleep apnea are personal medical histories and a physical work-up. Your doctor may recommend a sleep study as well. When your doctor has this information, he passes it on to a specialist who can help you even more.

Alway travel with your CPAP machine if you suffer from the symptoms of sleep apnea. If you have sleep apnea, you need to use your CPAP every night. Your machine should include a padded travel bag. This bag will help you safely travel with your CPAP machine when you are on vacation.

One sure-fire way to combat the problems posed by sleep apnea is proper weight management. Many people have corrected their apnea by losing weight. In fact, you don’t have to lose a lot of weight to open up the airways and the throat.

Only sleep with a single pillow of standard size. An over-sized pillow or multiple pillows can actually skew your position. Your breathing will become more difficult for you to complete during sleep. That’s why using one pillow may be the answer to your sleep apnea problem.

You should always consult a physician when you have sleep apnea, but there are things you can do for yourself too. Everyone can benefit from getting thinner or quitting smoking, but this goes double for those suffering from sleep apnea. You will definitely want to stay away from alcohol and caffeine, along with late night heavy meals before going to bed.

Sleep apnea patients should not sleep on their backs. Sleeping on one’s back makes the airways extra vulnerable to blockage; this is why most sleep apnea sufferers are also habitual back-sleepers. To prevent yourself from rolling over while you sleep, use pillows or cushions.

If you are afflicted with sleep apnea, then you need to give up smoking. Smoking can cause the upper airway to swell, which exacerbates sleep apnea. If you are struggling to quit, join a program, or try using nicotine-replacement therapy, such as patches. The first month is hard, but after that it becomes easier. Once you are past that point, your nicotine cravings lessen drastically.

Tongue exercises are useful in reducing sleep apnea. Repeat vowels out loud over and over for 3 minutes each day. Press your tongue tip to the back of your front teeth, and quickly slide it to the back of your mouth repeatedly for three minutes. Do both once per day. This makes your tongue and throat muscles even stronger than before, so you minimize your odds of them blocking your air flow during sleep.

If you have sleep apnea and use a CPAP machine when you sleep, ask your doctor to also prescribe a heated humidifier. When your sleeping in conditions of warm and moist air, you will most likely adhere to the CPAP therapy. A humidifier can be an important part of your CPAP machine, so ask your doctor about a machine that handles both functions.

Sleep apnea may make you feel anxious. Take a warm bath before bed to calm down and induce good sleep. Soaking in a hot tub will alleviate tension and relax your muscles. This will make it easier to fall asleep and get the good night’s sleep you deserve.

You may not even notice that you have apnea. If you find yourself falling asleep when you are driving, feel exhausted after a full night of sleep or feel strangely sleepy, talk to your doctor. Common symptoms of sleep apnea include unexplained exhaustion and falling asleep during the day.

Do not ignore your sleep apnea symptoms. Seek treatment. If you don’t seek medical help, your condition is likely to worsen over time. You shouldn’t allow your snoring and sleep quality to worsen. If you believe you may suffer from sleep apnea, immediately visit your doctor.

If you are wondering whether you are experiencing sleep apnea, set a date with your doctor asap and request a sleep test. A sleep study will diagnose the source of the problem so that you can get the right treatment for it. After that, you will need to know how to treat the condition, even when suffering with a mild case.

Sleep apnea can make you chronically tired, which is bad for you throughout the day. Try to sleep on a set schedule. Try to stick to the same bedtime and wake time every day of the week. In this way, you can avoid exacerbating your sleep apnea to complete insomnia.

As you know, many people have to deal with sleep apnea. Lack of education is the worst thing you can have if you have this condition. If you know a lot about it, sleep apnea is very controllable.

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